Social media marketing and SEO are interwoven strategies and can work in conjunction to produce effective results. With proper planning and implementation, SEO and social media can complement each other to improve your search rankings. Let us look at some of the perspectives held by experts about integrating SEO and Social Media.
1. Flexibility & Learning From Failures:
The consumer landscape is constantly in the process of reshaping itself and marketing success can only come with a deeper understanding of consumer behavior. It is necessary to engage in authentic dialogues with consumers. The following components are considered as the pillars of success in the sphere of social media marketing by experts. They help to plan effective strategies and engage with customers in a productive way.
- Data
- Strategy
- Content
- Engagement
Besides, it is also essential to bear in mind that there is no content without value. This implies that even if a piece of content fails to create engagement, it provides information.
The following steps can help you design an effective strategy:
Begin with data:
There has to be clarity about what exactly people are looking for. People gather information from various sources like Facebook, Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter and more. The data from search and the information from social media channels can be integrated to implement effective marketing strategies. The search leads to an analytical process while social media helps to connect with your target audience and understand their needs.
Social media helps to discover facts like:
- Opinion of people about your products
- How people perceive your competitors
- Customer service issues faced by people
- Content that generates maximum engagement
Developing a content strategy:
The next step involves creating a content strategy based on the data and information that you have. Moreover, the results need to be tracked and the strategies must be tuned accordingly over time. You also need to pick the right channels to implement your strategies and these include the ones that generate maximum connections.
Creating relevant content:
Content plays a key role in any marketing strategy and it is essential to ensure relevant and quality content to get the best results.
Dedicated content team:
Your team must include amazing writers who can make the most of the available opportunities to succeed.
Experiment and learn from failures:
Your marketing strategy must be an evolving process based on the key opportunities available. The process involves failures and learning from your failures to implement better strategies.
2. Analysing Consumer Behaviour Through Social Media:
An effective way to gain insight into SEO is by understanding consumer behavior through social media channels. This has become all the more important over the last few years, as the amount of data and information available from Google has declined. This gap can be filled by availing information from other sources like Search Console. However, the data might be incomplete or inaccurate. The reason for Google to remove data sources is to probably encourage publishers to focus on customers than on search engines. This is indeed a great idea and social media offers the ideal platform that offers a lot of details about consumer pattern and behavior.
Social media can help to achieve an in-depth understanding of the type of content and information that people are looking out for. The keywords and hashtags, offer immense insight into the terminologies used by users. Besides, social sites are the ideal platforms to target potential customers. Another advantage of social media is the fact that it exactly helps you to determine the audience that you need to target. This makes your SEO efforts easier as you know the audience that you need to address. In other words, social media can help us to bridge the gap that may be caused due to lack of data.
3. Integration of SEO and Social Media can Drive Success:
Among the various techniques, having an up to date NAP (name, address, phone number) data, can immensely help in allowing social local ecosystem and content to reap rich results. This campaign can be implemented in a broad way with effective results. When implemented in a planned manner, this methodology can help to increase organic visits from multiple sources.
4. Using the Twitter Advantage:
Google indexes tweets and there are certain types of tweets that have a higher probability of being indexed. As a result of the Twitter-Google deal in 2015, Twitter offered direct access to Google to all information on its platform through a live data feed. This made the process of indexing information simpler for Google. The deal resulted in a rise of Twitter indexation in May 2015, but in October 2016, the indexation levels declined. The reason behind this is the fact that Google indexes based on a number of factors. The most important determining factor is the number of favourites or likes that a tweet receives. Favourites appear to be better correlated to indexation than re-tweets. This is probably due to the presence of auto-re-tweeting accounts that make re-tweets a weak signal.
Higher indexation is also correlated with the number of followers. People who have a higher number of followers will have their tweets clicked on in search results.
Another factor is the presence of verified account. For Google, identity is of utmost importance. The indexation level of people with unverified accounts is very low as compared to verified accounts. Verified accounts with low social authority initially have low indexation but over time it shoots sharply.
In other words, to make the most effective use of Twitter to get space in Google requires consideration of the above factors. You need to have a verified account and build authority over time. Besides, it is essential to create tweets that succeed in drawing a lot of attention. On the whole, you need to build your authority over time to succeed.
SEO and Social media appear to be made for each other. They can be merged to enhance visibility and build successful marketing campaigns.